On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 10:36:31AM +1000, Rick Walsh wrote:
> > >
> > > I can test on Fedora 26 and Windows 7 and 10.
> > > I usually build from source in F26, but have not managed to build the
> > > Google Earth plugin myself.
> >
> > I thought I tested that on Fedora. Need to go back to that, I guess.
> > Are you using build.sh? What's failing when you try to build?
> >
> I should I said I can build it, but it won't work.  The map wasn't
> displaying and Subsurface would hang after selecting a different dive.  But
> forget about that - I just got rid of my Subsurface build dir and the
> googlemaps dir, let build.sh recreate everything, and it worked :)  Looks
> good.

Oh good, that's a relief.

> > > I have not been able to download from my Petrel 2 on F26 or Android
> > >  (either my or your builds) since BLE became default.
> >
> > I have a Petrel 2 and test it on Android all the time. Can you post a log
> > for that, please?
> >
> It won't connect to the dive computer.  Running with -vv I get.
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: Bluez 5 detected.
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: Creating QtBluezDiscoveryManager
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: Discovered:  "00:13:43:0E:6B:D0" "Petrel" Num UUIDs 3
> total device 0 cached RSSI 0 Class 0
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: Discovered:  "34:8A:7B:31:EF:07" "Samsung Galaxy S7"
> Num UUIDs 14 total device 1 cached RSSI 0 Class 5898764
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: Updating RSSI for "00:13:43:0E:6B:D0" QVariant(short,
> -64)
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: void QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgentPrivate::stop()
> INFO: FTDI disabled
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: No settings found for peer device.
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: HCI event triggered, type: e
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: HCI event triggered, type: e
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: HCI event triggered, type: e
> INFO: dc_deveice_open error value of -6
> I get the same error with either my build from master or your
> subsurfacedaily-

I wonder if we broke something in the straight BT code for Shearwater dive
computers, as neither of my Petrels (a BT only Petrel and a dual stack
Petrel 2) download over BT right now...

In order to keep all the problems straight I'll add some issues on GitHub.

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