On 02 May, 2018 - Davide DB wrote:

> On Wed, 2 May 2018 at 11:04, Anton Lundin <gla...@acc.umu.se> wrote:
> > > > What's happening when you're trying to merge them?
> > > >
> > >
> > > The second dive (#175) disappear but the first dive remain unaffected (47
> > > minutes).
> >
> > Can you export those two dives into a separate xml file and provide that
> > for debugging?
> >
> > Are those two from the same dive computer, or are they from different?
> > It might be that they get merged as two different dive computers on the
> > same dive.
> >
> Yes the same petrel controller of mine. A classic training session: dive -
> quick debrief on the surface - dive again.
> I exported them in this new file and I tried again with a Win desktop 4.7.8
> and I get the same behaviour: the most recent dive disappears and the first
> dive remains unaffected.
> The file is attached.
> Thanks for looking into this.

Ok, here's your problem:
<divecomputerid model='Shearwater Petrel' deviceid='1a2d46b1' serial='39117da9' 
<divecomputerid model='Shearwater Petrel 2' deviceid='1a2d46b1' 
serial='39117da9' firmware='38'/>

In one of the dives the computer is called "Shearwater Petrel" and in
the other one its called "Shearwater Petrel 2". That causes the "merge"
to be done as its two different computers that recorded the same dive.

If i hack up the log file and change so both of them have the same name,
they merge just fine.

I guess that this name came from what model you selected during the
download of the dives.


Anton Lundin    +46702-161604
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