Not being able to leave your house, a laptop and internet connection... ideal 
conditions to keep dinking around with stuff :)

> On Jan 13, 2024, at 10:53, Dirk wrote:
> In order to address some of these concerns, I built a new download page and 
> some automation that keeps it updated. This happens with, at a minimum, a 1h 
> time lag so that all binaries show up at the same time; this also gives us 
> some margin of error if we merge something that fails that allows us to not 
> post a release. And of course there's a mechanism to manually point at a 
> different release.

So this should now be the page - 
clearly showing that this is the Latest CICD Release.

In addition, there is a Current 
Release page. With the goal to iterate this more slowly - maybe once a week. 
And, now that I had the time to figure out how this can work (see above), this 
even links to a SIGNED macOS DMG.

> Finally, app signing.
> Given how painful macOS makes it to install unsigned apps, I think I'll need 
> to figure out how to sign at least the "weekly" builds. I doubt that I can 
> truly automate that, but maybe I can figure out a way to keep up with things.


> As for Windows - that's a harder problem. The signing mechanisms for Windows 
> are either prohibitively expensive (even with the generous donations from 
> some of you - we are talking around $300-500  a year plus hardware cost (as I 
> would need an actual real Windows machine for this -- apparently doing this 
> in a VM no longer works) for what is essentially a blessed random number. The 
> old system that was more affordable (~$100/year) has been killed by Microsoft 
> when they started making additional requirements (including allowing signing 
> certificates only when they are on hardware keys). And as  I mentioned 
> before, I'm seeing a lot more companies release unsigned apps for Windows 
> again.
> If a better and more realistically priced solution pops up, I'll happily 
> revisit this topic.

Also, some googling and following countless broken links later... it appears 
there is a not quite as expensive option:

With the required hardware token, a three year certificate is about $500 with 
shipping - so $170/yr. That is still a lot, but seems more doable. 
Now all I would need is a Windows PC 🤣

So, question to the Windows users here... how often do you see unsigned apps? 
How much of an issue is it to have the Subsurface installer not signed. As I 
keep saying, I don't use Windows myself, so it's really hard to judge for me...


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