Excerpts from Gary Martin's message of Tue Sep 14 19:14:10 +0200 2010:

> - the normal Stop icon should be used (ideally it would be placed on the far 
> right, swapped with the fullscreen button)
> - clicking it would raise a naming dialogue (not all your fields are needed 
> for Journal, just name, description, and tags)
> - options on the dialogue for Save, Don't Save, Cancel
> - Save creates a Journal entry if working on a new un-saved activity, or 
> overwrites the existing entry if working on a resumed activity

No, please, no!

Let me quote my own thesis:

> The question boils down to the destruction of either the old or the new
> version of the document. Although the wording of the dialogue improved,
> the underlying problem remains unsolved -- keeping the wrong version
> occurs frequently.

In absence of version support, please always make "destroy old version"
and "destroy current version" separate UI actions.



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