Hi, Dave

Its an educational project. An example is https://github.com/ezequielpereira/Bridge. This version of the Bridge-activity was developed as part of GCI. The zip downloaded from github is named Bridge-master.zip. I copied the zip to an XO-1.75, unzipped, and ran setup.py dist_xo. The result was a proper xo bundle which installed and ran. However, it failed to start: import error lib/box2d_32/_Box2D.so.

So setup.py solves the problem of the folder name. However, it does suggest that we will need to upload xo bundles through a two step process of downloading the zip and using it to create the bundle to be uploaded to ASLO.

On ASLO, this activity is shown as working on versions 0.82-0.104. This is clearly not correct. I found in uploading helloweb that this range is the default value. It is possible to set the lower end (e.g. 0.100 for sugar-web-activities) but the upper end is 0.104 (0.106, 0.108 have not been added to the widget).

This import error raises again the issue that some dependencies will be changed based on XO model and on 32 or 64 bit architechture. During GCI, Walter set up a platform variable that activities can test to determine the environment. This will become increasingly important to developers.


On 05/18/2016 02:42 PM, Dave Crossland wrote:

On 18 May 2016 at 08:18, Tony Anderson <tony_ander...@usa.net <mailto:tony_ander...@usa.net>> wrote:

    As I understand it, what you are trying to do is make github the
    place where Sugar activities are kept.

The source code for activities has traditionally lived on http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects but this is going to be shut down this year, because the software is no longer maintained and each week it becomes a bigger and bigger liability; meanwhile many activities have already naturally found a home to live in on Github.

    Currently, ASLO provides for upload of an
    activity (new or new version) as an xo bundle from the user's file

This should not be a manual process in 2016 :)

    What would be needed is a way to release an xo bundle from the
    github repository.


    Experience in the last GCI showed that the way Sugar activities
    are stored in GitHub is not compatible with the requirements of an
    xo bundle.
    For example, a Sugar activity must have a top-level folder with
    the name xxxxx.activity.

Please help me locate the discussion about this, the assertion Github releases can't work with this requirement seems totally incorrect to me.

    By custom, the version is shown in the xo file name (e.g.
    helloweb-3.xo) and should match the version number given in
    activity.info <http://activity.info>. However, this requires an
    act by the developer and is not automatic.

I am very confident I can automate this.

    So I think some programming is required to release activities from
    github to ASLO and to update the ASLO developer hub to conform to
    the new requirements.

Sure! Its going to be great! :D


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