Hi, Gonzalo

From the code, GetBooks uses feedparser. Pathagar is a server while GetBooks is a client. In this case, Utkarsh is delivering the content by html. I think more testing is needed to see where the problem might be.

Thanks for your help,


On 07/19/2016 01:13 PM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
GetBooks get the list and the books using the OPDS protocol.
Pathagar [1] is a book server who serves that protocol, and is (or was) included in the school server.
Pathagar has tools to import a directory of books in his own database,
looks like you need work in the schoolserver to include Rachel and gutemberg books
in Pathagar.
Then you only need add a new server in get-books.cfg


[1] https://github.com/PathagarBooks/pathagar

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 6:50 AM, Ütkarsh Tiwari <iamutkarshtiw...@gmail.com <mailto:iamutkarshtiw...@gmail.com>> wrote:

       I created a folder in my home directory by the name *'server'*
    , put all the extracted book collections inside it and start a
    localhost server with *'python -m SimpleHTTPServer'* .
    I then added that bookcollection url ( in my case it was -
    **) to one of the
    already available book genres in *get-books.cfg* .

    On clicking that genre I get this error message - '*There was an
    error downloading the list*.'

    Utkarsh Tiwari

    On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Tony Anderson
    <tony_ander...@usa.net <mailto:tony_ander...@usa.net>> wrote:

        Hi, Utkarsh

        I am not sure what question you are asking.

        Looking at the code: the repositories seem to be defined in

        The actual mechanics of accessing the network appears to be
        handled by 'feedparse', which is a python module described at

        What are you trying to do and what is your problem with it?
        Did you add a repository to get-books.cfg? DId it show up as
        you expected in the
        toolbar widget? What happens if you select it? Does it show
        the catalogs you entered? What happens if you select a
        catalog? Does it show a list of books?
        What happens when you click on a book - does it get downloaded
        to the Journal?

        My suggestion is to add Rachel as an online repository getting
        the books from its site as a first step. Once that is working,
        changing the urls to local should be easier to test since you
        would already know what to expect.
        is the site for Gutenberg. Each of the links on that page
        could be a catalog. Then clicking on one to show the list of
        books in the right panel.


        On 07/19/2016 08:23 AM, Ütkarsh Tiwari wrote:
            I am working on this feature of adding offline support to
        GetBooks activity to allow users to connect to schoolservers
        for offline books(stored on these servers) support. I am not
        able to figure out what modifications I need to make in the
        parsing technique of the activity in order to fetch(probably
        via localhost server) the books from Gutenberg, Rachel
        collections which I have already downloaded onto my harddisk.

        Could anyone here please point me in the right direction?

-- Regards,
        Ütkarsh Tiwari

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-- Regards,
    Ütkarsh Tiwari

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*Gonzalo Odiard*
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