    I have finally added the 'Gutenberg Collection' support to GetBooks
activity. Refer the gif links below for UI demonstrations.

Gif 1-  The offline downloaded 'Gutenberg' collection is in the form of
.html files which would be read in 'Browse' activity after download. For
that you need to add 'text/html' mime_type to your 'Browse' activity.info file.
-> http://imgur.com/a/833K9

Gif 2- The offline downloaded 'Rachel' book collection is in .pdf format
which would be read in 'Read' activity after download. The mime_type is
pre-set. -> http://imgur.com/a/b7vtc

Utkarsh Tiwari

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Tony Anderson <tony_ander...@usa.net>

> Hi, Utkarsh
> I don't have the activity in front of me. How is this done for the
> Gutenberg on-line collection?
> Tony
> On 07/18/2016 04:43 PM, Ütkarsh Tiwari wrote:
> Hi,
>     Both the collections have their own 'index.html' files which are
> hyperlinked to the book collections inside them. The main problem here is
> figuring out how to make those 'index.html' files show up in the GetBooks
> and parse them to generate a list of the collection in the list view of
> 'GetBooks'.
> Regards,
> Ütkarsh Tiwari
> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:47 AM, Tony Anderson <tony_ander...@usa.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi, Utkarsh
>> I am not sure what you have downloaded. The two urls I gave you for
>> Rachel should have downloaded pdfs (CK-12) and txt (Adventures). The
>> gutenberg collection on xsce is in the form of a set of zim files which
>> even compressed are too large for a reasonable download. The previous IIAB
>> version was even larger. The zim version has two copies of each book: one
>> is html and the other epub (a compressed form of html).
>> You should do what the activity does now with downloads. You are only
>> changing the source. So your problem may be to access the urls from your
>> hard drive.
>> One option is to use a localhost. This is very simple in python. See, for
>> example,
>> http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tech-tip-really-simple-http-server-python
>> .
>> Tony
>> On 07/17/2016 10:07 PM, Ütkarsh Tiwari wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>     I have downloaded the 'Gutenberg' and 'Rachel' book collections onto
>>> my hard disk.
>>> For 'Gutenberg' collection - The books seem to be in the form of
>>> webpages.
>>> For 'Rachel' collection - The books are in the pdf form.
>>> Could you please provide me a hint on how to render both the collections
>>> in 'GetBooks Activity' since it currently fetches the books from the online
>>> urls added to it's config .cfg file. ?
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Ütkarsh Tiwari
> --
> Regards,
> Ütkarsh Tiwari

Ütkarsh Tiwari
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