Your point wasn't clear, and it doesn't test out either.

Browse-200 on Sugar 0.110 does not override the journal entry title if
it has been set by the user, and Utkarsh's patch does not change that.

There is a use case for giving a saved instance a title; which is
where the title that would be used is not satisfactory.

I don't see any evidence before the patch that a user supplied title
is overridden.

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 01:07:21PM +0800, Tony Anderson wrote:
> My point was clear. The fact that Browse overrides the user-supplied
> title of the saved state is not likely to be a problem in practice.
> It is hard to imagine a use case where a user wants to give a saved
> instance of Browse a specific name so that the urls collectively can
> be restored some months later or so the user can reflect on his
> search at the time.
> But Utkarsh is certainly correct, Browse has no business overriding
> the user supplied title.
> I hope this is more understandable.
> Tony
> On 04/25/2017 09:39 AM, James Cameron wrote:
> >On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 09:28:00AM +0800, Tony Anderson wrote:
> >>The page has been
> >>edited to provide more information on the feature and to update it
> >>to my understanding of the status.
> >Thanks.
> >
> >>I am not sure that the issue with Browse is relevant. Browse does
> >>not save a 'document' created by a user. It saves the urls for the
> >>open tabs. Therefore, a user supplied name is not useful.
> >In Sugar we have journal entries, or journal objects, not documents.
> >
> >Write saves a document inside a journal entry.
> >
> >Browse saves URLs for open tabs inside a journal entry.
> >
> >If you want your feature to only affect Write or certain activities,
> >then it should not be in the toolkit affecting every activity.  Are
> >there other particular activities that should or should not use your
> >feature?
> >

James Cameron
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