On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 09:28:00AM +0800, Tony Anderson wrote:
> The page https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Save-As has been
> edited to provide more information on the feature and to update it
> to my understanding of the status.


> I am not sure that the issue with Browse is relevant. Browse does
> not save a 'document' created by a user. It saves the urls for the
> open tabs. Therefore, a user supplied name is not useful.

In Sugar we have journal entries, or journal objects, not documents.

Write saves a document inside a journal entry.

Browse saves URLs for open tabs inside a journal entry.

If you want your feature to only affect Write or certain activities,
then it should not be in the toolkit affecting every activity.  Are
there other particular activities that should or should not use your

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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