When 'deprecated', meaning a better alternative is available. This could be ASLOv3 when it is completed, fully tested and made available In other words, not 'real soon now'.


On Thursday, 24 May, 2018 11:26 AM, Dave Crossland wrote:

On Wed, May 23, 2018, 8:54 PM James Cameron <qu...@laptop.org <mailto:qu...@laptop.org>> wrote:

    Tony's insistence on ASLO continues to amuse me.  Most distribution of
    activities now happens through bundles, tarballs, and GitHub.  ASLO is
    rarely used by distributors or indeed useful for anything except
    personal searches for broken activities.  Tony's numbers make it
    plain.  My own plan is to remove the link to "activities" in Browse
    default page; plenty of disk space these days to include all working
    activities in a build.

Good to hear real world usage of aslo has entered terminal decline. When will it be turned off?

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