ASLO provides acess to Sugar activities (*.xo bundles). Ways in which users get Sugar is not relevant. In my experience, XO users install Sugar from the images on For Ubuntu, I assume sudo apt-get install sucrose. SOAS is not live and the usb stick is built from the SOAS image (dd). I haven't yet tried Sugar on RPI but I believe this is a sudo apt-get sucrose to Raspbian.

In each case a number of activities selected by the packager is included. However, users should be able to access the entire library.

The fundamental problem is to fix the broken activities.

Current statistics taken a few minutes ago show that there are 327 activities available on ASLO alone. These are generally gtk2 activities which are not usable in the Ubuntu Sugar. There are 191 activities with github repos. Of these, 103 work on the Ubuntu Sugar and are available as xo bundles from aslolite.


On Friday, 25 May, 2018 11:38 AM, James Cameron wrote:
On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 10:56:10PM -0400, Dave Crossland wrote:
On 23 May 2018 at 23:29, Walter Bender <[1]> wrote:

     On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 11:26 PM Dave Crossland <[2]> wrote:

         On Wed, May 23, 2018, 8:54 PM James Cameron <[3]>

             Tony's insistence on ASLO continues to amuse me.  Most distribution
             activities now happens through bundles, tarballs, and GitHub.  ASLO
             rarely used by distributors or indeed useful for anything except
             personal searches for broken activities.  Tony's numbers make it
             plain.  My own plan is to remove the link to "activities" in Browse
             default page; plenty of disk space these days to include all
             activities in a build.

         Good to hear real world usage of aslo has entered terminal decline.
         When will it be turned off?

     I am not a fan of the current activity server, but I am a fan of having
     lots of activities for our users to explore beyond the ones that were
     chosen for them.

James, when you say "Most distribution of activities now happens through
bundles, tarballs, and GitHub," could you provide a percentage split guess for
that? My guess is that its 90% bundles in OLPC images, 5% tarballs from ASLO or
similar, and 5% Github.
Happy to help, Dave!

My perception is also based on private feedback from deployments, from
people at OLPC, from people using GitHub, and from mailing list posts.

Several instances of a class of bug "canary in coal mine" afflict
ASLO, GitHub, and downstreams such as Fedora and Debian.  Tracking
these bugs also gives me an idea of demand in those channels.

In past two years, my estimates of distribution by channel are;

- 50% in OLPC images, or images prepared by schools using OLPC tools,
   or software updates, using a bundle cache at

- 35% in Fedora SoaS images, Sugar Live Build, Debian packages, or
   Ubuntu packages, using GitHub clones, or tarballs from GitHub or

- 10% as bundles downloaded from ASLO using Browse (because of
   reputational damage with bundles rarely working or updated),

- 5% direct from GitHub; by skilled users and developers.

However, I don't have measurements.  I'd like to hear of measurements,
but we don't typically have tracking mechanisms.

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