Yes. The crossings will only show up as "toLane" IDs (even though both
sides are controlled by a traffic light and can even have different signal

Am Mi., 10. Nov. 2021 um 19:04 Uhr schrieb Adrien Dubedat <>:

> Hi Jakob,
> I’m now using a SUMO scenario that has pedestrians crosswalks.
> I’ve been able to extract a new JSON file in which I list the junction ID,
> the lanes ID and the links ID.
> The object I retrieve when calling getControlledLinks is a vector of
> TraCILink, on which I iterate to retrieve the elements “fromLane”, “toLane”
> and “viaLane”.
> From what I see, the crosswalks seem to be only listed in the “toLane”
> elements.
> Can I base myself only on “toLane” IDs then to map out the crosswalks of
> each junction ?
> Attached is the JSON file I extracted.
> Thank you for your help,
> Adrien
> *De :* sumo-dev <> *De la part de* Jakob
> Erdmann
> *Envoyé :* Friday, November 5, 2021 3:31 AM
> *À :* sumo developer discussions <>
> *Objet :* Re: [sumo-dev] Retrieving the type of Junction
> I'm guessing that your network doesn't have any crosswalks. See
> <>
> for how to get them.
> This is what a pedestrian-enabled network should look like:
> <>
> Am Do., 4. Nov. 2021 um 21:25 Uhr schrieb Adrien Dubedat <
> This a simple JSON file I created while running SUMO.
> In there, I write the traffic light ID and then the controlled lanes ID in
> that traffic light.
> However, I don’t see the format you were mentioning in your previous email.
> I also tried to go through the list of controlled links but it’s the same
> format.
> See the second file attached.
> I’m guessing this is because the naming convention in the file
> might not be correct ?
> This is how a junction is defined in the file:
> <junction id="10018180" type="dead_end" x="9550.31" y="6845.42"
> incLanes="260842179_0" intLanes="" shape="9549.40,6845.01 9551.22,6845.82"/>
> Thank you for your help,
> Adrien
> *De :* sumo-dev <> *De la part de* Jakob
> Erdmann
> *Envoyé :* Wednesday, November 3, 2021 6:11 PM
> *À :* sumo developer discussions <>
> *Objet :* Re: [sumo-dev] Retrieving the type of Junction
> You can use traci.trafficlight.getControlledLanes and getControlledLinks
> Lanes with ids of the form :<JUNCTIONID>_w<index>_0 are walkingareas
> Lanes with ids of the form :<JUNCTIONID>_c<index>_0 are crossings
> The index in the result lists corresponds to the index in the phase state.
> regards,
> Jakob
> Am Mi., 3. Nov. 2021 um 20:10 Uhr schrieb Adrien Dubedat <
> Hi Jakob,
> Thank you for your reply, I only just see it now because your emails were
> considered as spams by my company’s IT department …
> It looks like I’ve been able to extract those controlled junctions,
> perfect.
> I have another question. I’m interested in retrieving the state of the
> traffic lights associated to pedestrian crosswalks.
> In the documentation, it says that the crosswalks’ states are at the end
> of “state” string when calling “getRedYellowGreenState()”.
> Is there a way to know where do the pedestrian crosswalks start in that
> string ? Or is there a way to identify those crosswalks ?
> Thank you,
> Adrien
> *De :* sumo-dev <> *De la part de* Jakob
> Erdmann
> *Envoyé :* Monday, November 1, 2021 3:04 PM
> *À :* sumo developer discussions <>
> *Objet :* Re: [sumo-dev] Retrieving the type of Junction
> *ATTENTION :* Ce courriel provient de l’extérieur de l’organisation. Ne
> cliquez pas sur les liens ni sur les pièces jointes à moins que vous
> reconnaissiez l’expéditeur et que vous sachiez que le contenu est sûr.
> *CAUTION :* This email originated from outside the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> The junction type is currently not accessible via the TraCI API.  (for
> static network analysis, the python library sumolib is recommended:
> <>
> )
> If you only need to identify traffic light junctions, you can use the
> functions in TrafficLight.h to retrieve this information:
> - all traffic light controllers with getIDList
> - all junction ids controller by a given controller with
> getControlledJunctions
> regards,
> Jakob
> Am Mo., 1. Nov. 2021 um 18:16 Uhr schrieb Adrien Dubedat <
> Hi,
> I’m trying to retrieve the type of a Junction, I’m using the C++ library.
> In an file which lists all junctions, I see there are some
> different node types (
> <>)
> :
> <junction id="101335548" type="traffic_light" x="9587.74" y="5049.51"
> incLanes="-770022998#1_0 480644124#1_0 690226256#9_0 -11661029#1_0"
> intLanes=":101335548_0_0 :101335548_1_0 :101335548_16_0 :101335548_17_0
> :101335548_4_0 :101335548_5_0 :101335548_18_0 :101335548_19_0
> :101335548_8_0 :101335548_9_0 :101335548_20_0 :101335548_21_0
> :101335548_12_0 :101335548_13_0 :101335548_22_0 :101335548_23_0"
> shape="9587.30,5041.43 9593.31,5043.64 9592.97,5045.85 9593.23,5046.73
> 9593.79,5047.47 9594.63,5048.06 9595.77,5048.51 9593.99,5054.65
> 9591.44,5054.42 9590.39,5054.75 9589.50,5055.38 9588.76,5056.31
> 9588.18,5057.54 9582.17,5055.32 9582.52,5053.10 9582.26,5052.21
> 9581.71,5051.46 9580.87,5050.85 9579.74,5050.39 9581.63,5044.27
> 9584.11,5044.53 9585.13,5044.20 9586.00,5043.58 9586.72,5042.65">
> I looked in the C++ classes / headers, mostly in “Junction” class, and I
> didn’t find anything related to that type, while we can get the Position or
> the Shape for example.
> Does anyone have an idea on how to get this data ?
> Thank you,
> Adrien
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