
I'm creating an application where I can either control a SUMO car from my
program, or let SUMO drive autonomously over a route.
When my program is in control I call Vehicle::moveToXY() and
Vehicle::setSpeed() to overrule the position. This works ok. But when I try
to hand control back to SUMO (not calling moveToXY/setSpeed anymore) it
just sits there without moving.

My vehicle is define in the .rou.xml file like this:

*<vehicle id="ego" type="Ego_Car" route="r_1" depart="0.00"
departLane="free" color="blue"/>*

I tried explicitly setting the route ID:

*Vehicle::setRouteID(egoName, routeID);*

but that didn't help. Any idea how I can detect what is causing the vehicle
not to follow the route anymore? Is it even possible after a call to
Vehicle::moveToXY() to put the vehicle back on a route, or should I respawn
the vehicle somehow from scratch? (even then I'd need to inject the latest
position at least once)

Ruud van Gaal
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