>>I've asked it at a specialist in Latin... and he answered me back saying
that sentence 
is not correct Latin.

He asked to have a closer look ;-)

If possible, could you confirm if there are no 'faults' in the sentence?>>

Hendrik:  Many thanks for replying.

The request for the translation came from a BSS Member who is leading a
party of friends on a walk past this dial this coming Sunday.  On an
advance walk to check the route he noted the motto and checked with me. 
The entry in the BSS register (as noted by an earlier Dial Recorder) is the
same and so I have every reason to believe that it is as I gave in my
e-mail.  However, I shall pass on your comment and have a further check
made.  I will let you know what the outcome is.

I suppose it is entirely possible that whoever designed the dial might have
made a mistake in the Latin....:-)


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