>       There was more about the blue moon as two full moons in the same
>month (incidentally it happens again this month). It was suggested that it
>was a reference to the practice of printers of diaries who thought it
>necessary to distinguish between the two full moons in the month by
>printing their full moon symbol on the appropriate days (nights?) in
>different colours, the "extra" one being blue.
>       I think this is a load of tosh, but .....

It does seem a lot of trouble to go to for what must be obvious.

>       Anyway, a whole month without any full moon at all, as last month,
>is much more interesting.

There has to be a name for this!  If not, let it be known that henceforth 
it shall be - 'a blank moon(th)'.  Wow - we've made history!  :-)

Tony Moss

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