Hi Ron (or anybody else who might know):

I did some checking with a local print shop to see if they would be able to
print large blueline copys of sundials drawn on DeltaCad.  They can, I was
told, if these files are in HPGL-2 or PLT form.

I went to "save as" and these files are not listed as options.  Do you know
how to convert DeltaCad files into HPGH-2 or PLT files???


John Carmichael

p.s. Just read your interesting and logical proposal for classifying
sundials. Using your system, how would you name a Singleton-type dial?

>I have taken your classification and restructured it into a language called
>Backus-Naur that is used to describe languages, descriptions, sentences,
>etc. I have taken the liberty of adding a few descriptions, but this is
>basically yours. It looks cumbersome but it isn't too bad.  It is a way to
>check to see if a sentence belongs to a language, or in our case, does a
>description of a dial have an un ambiguous meaning in our language?
>Form of the language:
>   []    means an optional item
>   {}    means a required item
>   ...   means an item can be repeated
>   |     means is one of many choices
>  <>   means an item name
>  +     means this item is assume if nothing is specified
>A dial is describe by the following sentence:
>   SUNDIALS IS  [<mobility>] [<location>] [<sun-motion>] [<form>]
>[<historical type>] [<face orientation>]
>     [<gnomon type>] [<hours>] [<furniture>] [<correction> ]
><mobility> is              portable | fixed+
><form> is                   [cannon | compass | floating | polyhedral |
>diptych | magnetic | ring]...
><location> is              universal | independent*
><sun-motion> is         [hour angle+ | azimuth | altitude]...
><historical type> is     Butterfield | Oughtred | Regiomontanus | de Rojas |
><face orientation> is   horizontal+ | vertical | declining | inclining |
>equatorial | polar
><gnomon type> is      string | pin | rod | garden+**
><hours> is                 SHOWING {Babylonian | Italian | local | mean}...
><furniture is                WITH {LINES|MARKS}  {OF|FOR}  {seasons |  Dates
>| declension | hours till dark }...
><correction> is           CORRECTED FOR {eot | longitude | daylight Savings
>*  Independent means there are no adjustments for new locations, universal
>implies adjustments
>** traditional triangle shape of horizontal dials
>+ Default if not mentioned
>A simple example  would be "Sundial"  which would mean a fixed hour angle,
>horizontal, garden gnomon dial.
>A very complex example would be a "fixed universal azimuth polyhedral
>Butterfield type string dial, SHOWING Babylonian and Italian HOURS, WITH
>LINE OF declension and a MARK FOR my dad's birthday, CORRECTED FOR EOT and
>DST".  But that type of dial needs a complex descriptions.
>The question then is:  Can all descriptions of dials fit into the language
>above, and still produce intelligent sounding names?
>I welcome all to test out the descriptions of various dials and see if they
>fit.  I'm sure there would have to be some additions and tweaking of
>attributes, but it's a start.

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