One last thing, excuse my ignorance, but what is a shadow sharpener and what is its use?

Hi all, I am as ignorant as Alexei, so I'd gratefully apreciate any hint (or link) on what a shadow sharpener exactly is.

Best wishes,



Hello Anselmo, and others,

If you search the sundial list archives, you will find lots of previous messages about shadow sharpeners. Go to the NASS website ( - Links. Scroll down to General, and click on Search on previous postings to the sundial mailing list. This Yahoo archive covers from early January 1998 until early July 2001. I have no idea why it stops then. Another archive ( covers recent messages also (as well as messages from numerous other astronomy-related lists). I don't know of any archive that goes back to the start of the sundial mail list.

What's needed is for someone to assemble the information from all those postings into a fairly brief, but accurate explanation of how to use and understand shadow sharpeners. Even after all that been posted on shadow sharpeners, some of us just learned some important new things about them.

Best wishes,



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