Here's something for you to think about.

If you ask the question: What is the best latitude(s) for a particular type
of sundial? How would you answer that question? How would you define "best

One way of defining best latitude(s) would be those latitudes where the
sundial type functions for the maximum number of hours in a year. (this is
the same as maximum number of hours its face receives sunlight).

Using this definition, what would be the best latitude for a south vertical
wall dial in the northern hemisphere? Where would it function for the
greatest number of hours in a year? How bout a horizontal dial or an

Note:  Forget the effects of cloudy weather, horizon pollution and, eclipses
at different latitudes!


John L. Carmichael Jr.
Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson Arizona 85718

Tel: 520-696-1709
Website: <>
----- Original Message -----
To: "John Carmichael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: vertical wall dial latitudes?


>  But I've changed my mind. I'm not going to say
>that anymore just in case someone from Finland writes!

Or even Svalbard at 78° North where they are soon to receive their first
ever sundial. ;-)

You've given yourself quite a task of late.

One of my most-used 'tools' is the 'Universal Diallists' Companion' which
Mike Shaw used to supply.  Whenever I get into a conceptual knot about e.g.
factors affecting the illumination of a north facing wall it always comes to
my aid.

Have fun



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