> Peter,
> The link to the site of Karl Schwarzinger didn't work but this one does.
> http://members.aon.at/sundials/index.html
> Look for picture 40 (Bild 40)
> The tree of Sonius is made of two separate plates and calculated as you
> suggested.
> A dial on the north plate and a dial on the south plate with the dial
> centers on the same (imaginair) polestyle.
> The slots in the plates were not cut in the direction of the hourplanes.
> It was considered but it was to complecated in this case.
> Because of the thickness of the two pates the slots needed to be of
> different width.
> That was the most difficult part of the calculations.
> In an massive block an aesier method for the calculation is to calculate
> the hourplane is oriented for each hourline in respect to the plane of the
> dial or to the horizontal plane.
> It's the hourline and an angle to the hourplane.
> This is enough to rotate the block in the right position to cut the slots
> the block.
> Read in Compendium vol. 6 nr. 3 and 4, 1999, the aticles about Shadow
> Sundials.
> On Internet look at the site of De Zonnewijzerkring ( address below) and
> follw the links:
> - Links
> - Members
> - Fer de Vries
> Somewhere down you find links to the same articles in Compendium.
> Best wishes, Fer.
> Fer J. de Vries
> De Zonnewijzerkring
> http://www.de-zonnewijzerkring.nl
> Home
> http://www.iae.nl/users/ferdv/index-fer.htm
> Eindhoven, Netherlands
> lat.  51:30 N      long.  5:30 E
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Peter Mayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de>
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 4:32 AM
> Subject: 'Wineglass' of Sonius
> > Hi,
> >
> >     I've been thinking for some time about making dial on the model of
> > the "Tree of Sonius" in Limburg, Belgium (see Karl Schwarzinger's great
> > homepage: http://members.tirol.com/k.schwarzinger/b_5650.htm for a
> > picture of the dial and a very clear diagram illustrating the principle
> > of the dial.  Thanks Karl!).  Since my model will be for the southern
> > hemisphere, but is to be read 'left to right' it will have to be
> > 'bowl-shaped' (or as I prefer to think of it, 'wineglass-shaped'!)
> > rather than 'umbrella-shaped' as is the Limburg original.
> >     My question to the group is: what is the simplest, most sensible way
> > with a modest kit of hand/power tools to cut the complex shadow plane
> > slots for each hour?
> >     My present thinking suggests i) drawing a normal vertical dial for
> > my location on the north face, then ii)'extending' the angle of the
> > style (from the 6 o'clock line) across the side of the block which
> > constitutes the dial and using the intersection of the style extension
> > with the south side of the block to position and draw a second vertical
> > dial--a mirror image, of course. Step iii) is to connect the respective
> > hour lines on the two faces across the edges.  Step iv) would be to
> > successively align the block so that each hour plane is vertical and use
> > a mitre box to cut the shadow plane slots.
> >     Since Fer de Vries co-designed the original, I'm sure he'll have a
> > far more sensible plan! (How on earth was it done in stainless steel??)
> >
> >     Many thanks,
> >
> >     Peter Mayer
> >
> > -- 
> > Peter Mayer
> > Politics Department
> > Adelaide University, AUSTRALIA 5005
> > Ph    : +61 8 8303 5606
> > Fax   : +61 8 8303 3446
> > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
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> >
> >
> > -


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