Dear Mario,
Please notice the web page : 
The page includes a text about the folding dial of Georg Peuerbach in the Kaiser Maximilian Museum in Innsbruck.
Unfortunately, the text is only in German.
Karl Schwarzinger
A-6073 Sistrans
47°14´N - 11°27´E
Tel./Fax : +43 - 512 - 378868
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mario Arnaldi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sundial List" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: Earliest Sundial

> > b) Portable dials (travel or table-top).
> > I have not researched this question. Karl Schwarzinger sent me a pretty
> > folder with color pictures of many beautiful Austrian sundials. Among
> > these
> > is a folding dial ('Klappsonnenuhr') from 1451, possibly made by Georg
> > Peuerbach and now in the Kaiser Maximilian Museum in Innsbruck. Does
> > anyone
> > know of an older portable dial?
> ------------------
> maybe could be of some interest for Mike or others. I found this page
> looking on the very interesting web site of EPACT, the sundial is kept in
> the British Museum, but it is Austrian and it is very similar to the one
> kept in Innsbruk, but is late dated 1453... only two years late.
> Mario
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Mario Arnaldi
> Via Cavour, 57c
> 48100 Ravenna
> Lat. 44° 25' N - Lon. 12° 12' E
> Italy
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

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