Here are a few articles, not necessarily any which meet your requirements:

The future of leap seconds, including link to Meeus's article

Survey article on leap seconds

The Leap Second: Its history and possible future

There is also a note elsewhere from Signal Engineering regarding DCPRS Certification (whatever that is): that a GPS receiver must be turned on from Standby Mode for at least 12.5 minutes before use so that the GPS Almanac can be downloaded to determine if a Leap Second had occurred. I wonder if eliminating the Leap Second would permit faster startup.

Gordon Uber
San Diego, California

At 15:48 7/11/05, Brian Albinson wrote:

Could you either explain in a couple of lines, or direct me to a site which provides an explanation comprehensible to an old engineer, what is the big problem in inserting leap seconds??

Brian Albinson
49.33, 123.06


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