Hello Frank,

I hope that our Emails, interesting for us,   don't bore  other readers  :-)

Your answers put always in evidence some details that we have to consider
but that  often slip our   mind (at least mine !) and remain  hidden.

I agree completely with  your LESS GOOD FEATURES : I have to admit that I
had thought only to horizontal sundials, also remembering one made   by a
friend in a square in Varese, a  the town in  northern Italy.

Obviously a hole with the axis pointing at the position of the equinoctial
sun at 12 noon   cannot work for a vertical plane facing East or West!

For a declining sundial I think that the direction of the axis of the hole
should coincide with the intersection of the plane of the equator with the
substyle plane (hour plane normal to the dial and on which the polar style

This direction is given by the extreme point of the polar style and  the
point in which the substyle line crosses the equinoctial one; it belongs to
the plane of the polar style and makes with the dial  plane  an angle =
(90-style height).

If the sundial faces   East or   West the axis of the hole is normal to the
plane, that is the plane of the hole is parallel to the dial .

 In the figure :

  Lat.=45° ,  wall-decl=50° W

GG' = 100  ;  CG  = 220.01  ;  SG'  = 51.03  ;  CS  = 247.0

Style height GCS = 27.03°  ;  SCM = 37.45°  ;  CSG = 62.97°


Note- This is the Latin name but we can call it in different other modes
(pin-hole sundial, dark room sundial, etc. )

In an old article (presented in one of our meetings in 2003 ) I made the
same considerations (even if using different formulas ) on the uniformity of
the brightness, along the meridian line, of the image in a dark room sundial

I had considered different positions of the  hole (also a   vertical hole)
but I had not thought to the King angle and  to the possibility to lengthen
the hole: this is a good idea .

However I have to note that in my formula I have found

  sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec+ang)  that is  sin(h)
is cubed .

I try to explain this in the note at  the end , so  the readers not
interested can jump it :-)

Obviously our considerations are valid only if the "dark room" condition is
satisfied, that is if the ratio    (distance from the hole to the image) /
(least dimension of the hole-as seen by the image)  is much greater than 108
(at least 300-500 )

This is not true in the meridian lines that have to work in open air.

The brightness of the image in   room sundials   is too low and cannot be
perceived in    open air  but only in  .. dark rooms  :-)

Gianni Ferrari


D = hole diameter  ;  H = hole height from floor ;  Fi = sun Diameter (rad)

J = illumination constant  ;  h= Sun altitude  ;

ang = angle of hole to the horizontal

If the Sun has altitude = 90°  and ang = 0°  then :

Light through the hole = J x D x D x pi / 4

Image area = (H x Fi) x (H x Fi) x pi / 4

Brightness of the image = (J x D x D) / [ (H x Fi) x(H x Fi) ] = K

When the sun  has altitude h we have :

Light through the hole = J x D x D x sin(h+ang) x pi / 4

Distance hole-image  = H / sin(h)

Image area = [H x Fi /sin(h)] x [H x Fi /sin(h)] x [1/sin(h)] x pi / 4 =

(H x Fi) x (H x Fi) x [1/ sin(h)]^3

Brightness of the image =  K x sin(h+ang) x sin(h) x sin(h) x sin(h)

Then in my opinion the function to use is

sa(dec,ang) = sin(h) x sin(h) x sin(hc) x sin(h+ang)

sa(dec,ang) = sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec+ang)


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