Greetings all,
  Several months ago I bought a house and the previous owners left me with one 
of those 12" diameter satellite dishes.  I have no need or want of Direct TV or 
satellite TV.
  I was sitting there thinking one day that it would make a really nice direct 
south facing sundial.  My house already faces a little east of south anyway, 
and the location where the dish is gets direct sunlight almost all year round.
  My questions is this:  Do I need to make any adjustment in the calculations 
of the hour lines for the shape of the dish?  If so what is the formula?
  I am going to install a simple style using a metal road about a half inch in 
diameter.  I want this sundial to tell solar time not necessarily actual time.  
Though one day I may install an equation of time underneat the dial .

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