
Thanks for responding to Doug's query and correcting my incorrect 
response. It is continually amazing to me how well this software 
works (on a Garmin GPS system and Microsoft Streets) both in routing 
between two points and Streets in optimizing multipoint routes.

Gordon Uber

At 03:20 AM 7/21/2008, Chris Lusby Taylor wrote:
>Hi Doug,
>The task of finding the shortest/quickest route from A to Z along a network
>of roads is not the same as the Travelling Salesman Problem, nor its
>generalisation the Vehicle Routing Problem, unless you also say you want to
>go via C, D, E etc in no particular order but without visiting any of them
>Your GPS is usually solving the very much simpler problem of merely finding
>the shortest/quickest route from A to Z.
>To do this, all it needs to do is to find the distance to all the crossroads
>you can reach directly from A, then the minimum distance to all the
>crossroads you can reach from them, and so on until you find yourself at Z
>by one route and all other routes that haven't yet reached Z are already
>By the way I'm sure it does use vectors, not bitmaps, to draw the route, and
>a table of the properties of all road segments.
>This may still be a substantial task, and there are ways to direct the
>search to improve the chances that the first route you try will be the best.
>For instance, you can use a 'meet in the middle' approach - fan out from
>both A and Z until you find paths that meet.
>Either way, it can then use a critical-path type analysis to see which
>is/are the shortest route(s). For instance, if C is 20 miles from A, D is 25
>miles from A but the road CD is 6 miles long, it cannot be on the shortest
>However, I do have a GPS that can tell me how to get from A to Z via B and
>C, where B and C are visited in any order to minimise the total journey.
>That is the Travelling Salesman Problem, near enough.
>Best wishes


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