Dear Tony,

thanks for your reply.
For me this project has many dimensions. It is a sundial for my
girlfriend's family. And it is a scientific project. And it should
look fine. And it should help people who want to know time or even
like thinking about their environment.
The second point (mathematics) does not allow me to follow your very
good idea of projecting. My target accuracy would get hurt by this.

Dear Frank,
thank you as well for your long reply.
I agree that the wall is not flat. But I do not have any idea how to
check and later describe this in accuracy. I made a little
computerprogram to calculate everything. This program can handle the
1.6° deviation of the facing west sundial and it could even handle
asloped flat walls. And I could improve the script to handle non-flat
(not plane) walls, if you give me a (simple) mathematical description
of it. You described your very applied approach to the sundial you
made: you just measure where the shadow is at a certain point in time.
Please don't get me wrong: I am very happy that you answered and gave
so many good comments. I am impressed by your procedure and your
sundial (or the image I saw of it!), this is really great. I am just
facing some outer restrictions that prevent me from following your
path. Eg I agree that summer would be a better time, but the
scaffolding will be removed after xmas, so I have to hurry (and

One last question to _all of you_:
The size is 5.2m x 4.2m. How thick sould I make the analemas? The
sundial can be seen from roughly 150m distance. Now I made it 2.5cm
and the annotations (14, 15, 16 etc) have a height of 20cm. What do
you think?


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