It certainly seems to be causing some heart-burn on this list.

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 11:11 AM, John Carmichael

> I also heard of a study last year that concluded that DST caused heart
> attacks!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On
> Behalf Of Simon [illustratingshadows
> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 6:29 AM
> To: 'Sundial Mailing List'; Frank King
> Subject: Re: DST Misconceptions
> My understanding, not having followed this thread, is that at best there is
> a believed savings of energy to the order of 1%. I have no idea if that is
> statistically valid. I am also told that the shift from standard to
> daylight
> time causes some 263 traffic deaths during the transitional period,
> compared
> to the norm. No consideration is given to the southern states.
> This is political folly at its best, and we like sheep.
> Congratulations Arizona on standing firm, with a NO to DST.
> Simon
> Simon Wheaton-Smith
> Silver City, New Mexico W108.2 N32.75 and
> Phoenix, Arizona, W112.1 N33.5
> --- On Mon, 3/15/10, Frank King <> wrote:
> > From: Frank King <>
> > Subject: Re: DST Misconceptions
> > To: "'Sundial Mailing List'" <>
> > Date: Monday, March 15, 2010, 4:10 AM
> > Dear John and Jack,
> >
> > Reading about the benefits of Daylight Saving
> > Time always reminds me of Betrand Russell's
> > remark:
> >
> >   If you make a single false assumption you
> >   can prove anything.
> >
> > Daylight Saving Time is just a legislative
> > trick to get people out of bed an hour early
> > by telling lies about the time.
> >
> > By telling these lies you can make all kinds
> > of dubious claims but suppose, for a moment,
> > that we accept all these claims...
> >
> >   Let us accept that there are huge economic,
> >   social and conservation benefits from getting
> >   up an hour earlier.
> >
> > In which case why aren't people doing this of
> > their own accord?
> >
> > There is no need to tell lies about the time!
> >
> > Frank King
> > Cambridge, U.K.
> >
> > P.S.
> >
> > Russell was once challenged at a talk...
> >
> >   OK, suppose you accept the false assumption
> >   that 1+1 = 3, can you prove that you are
> >   the Pope?
> >
> >   Certainly said Russell.  You subtract one
> >   from both sides to give 1 = 2.  Now the
> >   Pope and I are two people so this means
> >   that the Pope and I are one person and,
> >   therefore, I am the Pope.
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------

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