Even if the myths are busted, some people
still like it.  Most of our lives are not
symmetrical around noon, but are biased
to the afternoon and evenings, so having
more daylight then is a better match for our
daily activities.  In Boston, the summer solstice
sunrise is at 5:08 AM.  That's two hours before
I'm even thinking about getting up. :-)

> Hi:
> Here's a video that busts the myths surrounding the benefits of DST.
> Rachel Maddow- Daylight-saving time explained
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z48Mg0dl4Gw
> Have Fun,
> Brooke Clarke
> http://www.PRC68.com
> ---------------------------------------------------
> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial


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