On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Brad Lufkin <bradley.luf...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I think having the JDN change at noon UTC avoids a lot of confusion.
> Consider this: when is Thursday midnight? Is it the instant between
> Wednesday and Thursday or the instant between Thursday and Friday? With the
> current definition, it's crystal clear when the JDN changes: Thursday noon
> is unambiguous.
> Brad
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Brent <bren...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> Napoleons' last orders to his troops at Waterloo:
>> Napoleon: Alright men, listen up, we will attack precisely at 8 o'clock
>> today.
>> Private #1: You mean we will attack tonight in the dark?
>> Napoleon: No, 8 o'clock tonight is actually tomorrow.
>> Private #2: But it is already past 8 o'clock today.
>> Napoleon: That's the old time, we are using Revolutionary time now.
>> Private #3: Well my sundial says 8 o'clock today is 2 hours before
>> midnight.
>> Napoleon: Well that can't be right because then tomorrow would be today
>> and today would be yesterday and we can't fight a battle yesterday. Maybe
>> you are looking at your sundial upside down.
>> Napoleon: Is everyone clear on the attack time now?
>> The troops look at one another with raised eyebrows.
>> Napoleon: Alright men, synchronize your sundials, may god be with you.
>> brent
>> Frank King wrote:
>>> Dear Andrew (and Fer),
>>> Many thanks for this reference...
>>>  http://www.aandc.org/research/nautical_time_and_date.html
>>> That is a splendid article and shows just what pitfalls
>>> one can fall into when attempting to force historical
>>> data to fit the present way of thinking!
>>> I share your thought...
>>>  I can't really imagine that even sailors (or
>>>  astronomers) would have had the day changing
>>>  name at midday...
>>> That said, I have a feeling that when Italian Hours
>>> were in common use in Italy both the date and the
>>> day name changed at sunset.
>>> This is a cue for Italian readers of the list to
>>> say that this has been widely discussed before
>>> (which is true) and that no widespread agreement
>>> has been established :-)
>>> One hang-over which still persists in astronomy is
>>> the Julian Day Number which changes at noon UTC.
>>> As I write, it is Thursday and the JDN is 2455581.
>>> In just over four hours time it will still be
>>> Thursday but the JDN will be 2455582.
>>> The scope for confusion is almost endless.  This
>>> splendid list has now provided us with pictures
>>> of one French Revolution Hours sundial with noon
>>> shown as 10 and another with noon shown as 5.
>>> Maybe Napoleon didn't write a rigorous spec?
>>> Frank
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial

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