If you're looking for software libraries, I've been happy using these:

> AA+ is a C++ implementation for the algorithms as presented in the book 
> "Astronomical Algorithms" by Jean Meeus.


On Aug 24, 2011, at 9:24 AM, David Patte wrote:
> If there is a need for someone on the list to generate a programme for 
> astronomical positions in higher accuracy, I have already coded in C++, 
> a complete windows library that computes Galactic (GLat/GLng), 
> Ecliptical (Elat/ELng), Equatorial (Rta/Dec) and Horizontal (Alt/Azi) 
> positions of the sun, moon, the major planets, comets and asteroids, 
> given Lat/Lng and Local Time.
> It understand the changing world timezone rules, and uses either 
> Keplerian or ELP2000/VSOP87 (higher accuracy) methods to get the Rta/Dec 
> of objects. It also handles precession, nutation, and the aberration and 
> refraction of light.
> The astronomical engine is used, for example, in our product Time Zone 
> Master to compute sunrise/set, moon phases, start of seasons, equation 
> of time, etc., and in Snap Sundial App to compute shadows for a given 
> lat/lng/Time.
> The code library is available under licence, or I can build code on top 
> of it, if it is required for a particular project.
> David

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