Thank you Fabio.

I checked the link and found it quite useful but the use is not intuitive but 
subtle. A casual observer like me has no idea how to use the page to create a 
personal design. Many will click onto the link and then stall. It is not 
obvious how to get the program to respond. I found moving the cursor to the 
sunburst beside location data worked. There I could input my location. Look for 
the pointed finger cursor on the sunbursts. Entry your specific data to 
generate a design. Then click on the pdf drawing tab to see the design.
It works like a charm as you said. Thanks for this gift for the members of the 
sundial list.

Regards, Roger Bailey

From: Fabio nonvedolora 
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 3:09 AM
Subject: paper sundial

Hi all, news from the clouds.

I’ve a toy for the end of the year.
I don’t think this is the very last end of the year, like some Maya supposed, 
and this is a great year, it is better than 2012 :-)  (like the same Maya 
didn’t know) so I hope you have fun with this new section of Sundial Atlas.

You can reach ‘paper sundial’, a menu of Gnomolab, directly at this address:
You will find 4 models, this number is growing and if you have other models to 
propose, I’ll be happy to develop them in Gnomolab.

The models may be setted for any coordinates and other features, you will get a 
pdf as replay.
The 3rd model is designed to be applied to glass windows (you may found the 
declination of the windows with Gnomolab). It has a small gnomonic hole you can 
do with a pin or a small nail, moreover this model may be customed with a photo 
(or a logo). I uploaded some sample photos but anyone may upload other photos 
(public or for personal use).

Have fun, ciao, Fabio

Fabio Savian
Paderno Dugnano, Milan, Italy
45° 34' 10'' N, 9° 10' 9'' E, GMT+1 (DST +2)




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