Dear Reinhold,

You write...

  Create a wall of shame with lots
  of funny comments...

Your story is full of drama.  There is
good news...

  ...Herr Kriegler sei der beste Lehrer an
  der Schule...

Then the bad news...

  ...da hatte dieser Satz die Wirkung eines
  Stichs in ein Wespennest.

Some people suffer a kind of allergic reaction
when they see an Analemmatic Sundial.  This
reaction sometimes results in serious brain

There must be an evolutionary explanation?

Perhaps, when seeing a user standing on an
analemmatic sundial looking up and down at
his own shadow, these people are reminded
of a Cobra about to attack?

This brings on a desire to destroy the
snake and its environment.

You can test your own sensitivity when you
look at this cartoon:

Does this give you a headache?




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