In message <C999F252986D457EA20FAC7AD947B60D@samsung>
          "Reinhold Kriegler" <> wrote:

> Dear Martina,
> I still remember your previous message!
> The world is crazy!
> In Germany I have heard in a radio transmission last year, parents went
> to a lawyer after there children fell over a tree root while walking
> with the class on a public path through a forest… and private forest
> owners are thinking of no longer allowing people to walk on their paths
> through the forest… as they had to fight with several reports at the law
> courts!
> My beautiful analemmatic sundial was destroyed by jealouse women
> colleagues and they worried a lot about a friendly newspaper article. I
> was even called by the headmistress and she was not ashamed to tell me
> “There are also other good teachers at our school!” – because of a
> harmless sentence of a 10 years old girl about me! Nothing else! So you
> see where the real danger is! It is the jealousy, nothing else!
> uhr.html 

Dear Reinhold,

Thanks for your reply, saying you also had some difficulty with
an 'analemmatic' sundial at a school - and caused by "jealousy"
plus people being frightened of some legal action, against them.

As you suggest, I would love to 'defy' our Educational Authority
to install this feature - but if I did so, then I am afraid that
both myself and my Head Teacher will be dismissed from our jobs.

I really cannot understand why (say) any "Hop-scotch" grids and
"Snakes & Ladders" layouts are OK for playgrounds - but when it
comes to interactive Human Sundials, they are deemed 'dangerous'
for children.  Nobody seems to be able to give me a satisfactory
explanation for it - except to say, "Health and Safety" reasons.

If anyone else has some ideas on this, then please let me know.


Martina Addiscott.


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