Hi Jim et al,

Sutton's quadrant was described at some length in a two-part article:

M. Lowne & J.
Davis: ‘A Horizontal Quadrant of 1658 by Henry Sutton; Part 1’, BSS Bull., 
23(ii) 8-13 (Jun

with the second part in the following issue.


Dr J Davis
Flowton Dials http://www.flowton-dials.co.uk/

BSS Editor http://www.sundialsoc.org.uk/bulletin.php

 From: James E. Morrison <janus.astrol...@verizon.net>
To: sundial@uni-koeln.de 
Sent: Tuesday, 13 May 2014, 2:40
Subject: Re: Altitude dials as compasses

This discussion has not included noting the capabilities of quadrants.  There 
are several stereographic quadrants that provide the solar azimuth for a date 
and solar altitude.   Among them are Gunter's quadrant (if azimuth curves are 
include), the Islamic quadrant based on a folded astrolabe and Sutton's 
quadrant which uses a southern projection.  Of the several, Sutton's quadrant 
is the easiest to use and the most precise for its size.

I am not aware of much in print about Sutton's quadrant other than the chapter 
in "The Astrolabe".  I can easily generate recreations if there is an 

Best regards,

 James E. Morrison 
Astrolabe web site at http://astrolabes.org

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