Greetings. fellow dialists,
Astronomical purists may feel uneasy but the easiest way to find south if there are any buildings about is to look at the satellite dishes. Around here they point a little east of south and they presumably point near to south throughout the northern hemisphere.
Frank 55N 1W

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: Using the moon to find south [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Date:   Mon, 12 May 2014 11:31:36 -0400
From:   Bill Gottesman <>
To:     Hank de Wit <>
CC: <>

Thanks, Hank. Â Very helpful observations. Â The ecliptic north pole lies in the curve of Draco's (The Serpent) neck. Â From your explanation, it seems that the line connecting the crescents of the moon should always point approximately to that location, and this should be something easy to test in the night sky. Â Is there a way to use this information (perhaps the time of year) to help refine finding south by the moon's crescent? Â -Bill

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 3:07 AM, Hank de Wit < <>> wrote:

   HI Steve,

   I think I can answer this one approximately. The maths is also
   beyond me, but we can get an intuitive answer without causing too
   much brain strain.

   The first point to remember is that both the Sun and the Moon travel
   on paths nearly along the Ecliptic. The Sun sits exactly on the
   Ecliptic, and the Moon, deviates plus or minus 5 degrees, because
   it's orbit is inclined by 5 degrees to the Ecliptic. This means that
   that shadow of the terminator between light and dark on the moon
   must be aligned nearly perpendicular to the path of the Ecliptic in
   the sky - they are in the same plane. So the problem reduces to the
   angle that the path of the Ecliptic makes in the sky.

   To reduce variables even more, let's just think about the Moon when
   it is highest in the sky, along the meridian through South (North in
   the SH).

   We need a planisphere to visualise, and I found a nice online one here:
   Â  Â  Â  Â

   This planisphere has the Ecliptic marked as a blue line in the sky.
   If you rotate the outer disk to move through the months, and imagine
   the Moon along the Ecliptic and sitting on the north-south meridian
   you can clearly see the tilt of the Ecliptic line, and therefore the
   line through the horns of the Moon if it were located at that point.
   You can see that this line is not directly through north for most of
   the year, and can be either side. The biggest deviations are at the
   two equinoxes. It is pointing south (north) at the solstices. I
   wonder if the amount of maximum deviation from due south (north) is
   plus and minus 23.5 degrees.

   Many regards

   -----Original Message-----
   From: sundial [
   <>] On Behalf Of Steve Lelievre
   Sent: Sunday, 11 May 2014 12:22 AM
   To: <>
   Subject: Using the moon to find south

   Hi folks,

   Only loosely related to my question just posted, I'm interested to
   know more about a primative navigation method I've read of. The idea
   is that if one projects an imaginary line through the cusps of a
   crescent moon down to the horizon, that gives the approximate
   position of South (or perhaps North depending on your hemisphere).

   How accurate is this position compared to true south? I'm guessing
   it depends on the time of year, phase of moon and latitude - can any
   one supply formulae? Working it out from first principles is beyond
   my math ability.

   I'm thinking that if I can use the moon to find south, I can then
   measure the azimuth of the sun and use that to get time of day...




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