Hi David,

here http://www.astrofilibresciani.it/Meridiane/Ombre_del_tempo/Shadows.htm
you can find some info, in english, about the contest,

ciao Fabio

Fabio Savian
Paderno Dugnano, Milano, Italy
45° 34' 10'' N, 9° 10' 9'' E, GMT+1 (DST +2)

From: Astrovisuals 
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 9:56 AM
To: sundial@uni-koeln.de 
Subject: Planetarium app

I wonder if anyone can help? I want to produce a basic planetarium app for iPad 
that shows the appearance of the Night Sky anywhere on earth.
I believe I need: 
A program to convert RA and Dec to Alt-azimuth co-ordinates.
A list of stars, plus details about how to add “constellation lines” between 
selected bright stars.
A way of incorporating the Milky Way as a vector file.
Would be grateful for any help; am happy to pay for programs, lists etc.

And on a different subject, I would like to enter a sundial in the Italian 
Astronomers’ International contest for sundial makers, but cannot find the form 
to fill in. Can someone supply a PDF or web address? 
David Widdowson, Astrovisuals Australia



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