Happy New Year to one and all,

The University Clock has gained 0.5 seconds against UTC in the past week
but is now 2.0 seconds ahead of UTC because of the leap second. If Frank
removed coins in accordance with the LWG for 0.5 seconds, then the clock's
rate would be rectified but the clock would still be 2 seconds fast next
week. Therefore, Frank should apply a LWG of 2.5 seconds and adjust again
when the clock is showing the correct time.


On 1 January 2017 at 12:30, Frank King <f...@cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I hope you all enjoyed the extra second
> in bed this morning and that your alarm
> clock didn't go off one second early.
> Here is an easy question to start off
> the New Year...
> Every Sunday at 08:00 I check the first
> stroke of the hour-bell of the University
> Clock against a radio-controlled UTC clock.
> If it is slow I add coins to the tray on
> the pendulum.  If it is fast I remove
> coins.  My formula for the required
> adjustment includes a figure for:
>     Last Week's Gain [LWG]
> Here are my recent observations:
>   25 December   clock 0.5 seconds fast
>    1 January    clock 2.0 seconds fast
> Is the appropriate figure for LWG:
>     a) 0.5 seconds
>     b) 1.5 seconds
>     c) 2.5 seconds
> Frank
> Frank H. King
> Keeper of the University Clock
> Cambridge, U.K.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial

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