To all the sundialists involved in this thread about Azimuth Calculation.
Hi all.
Regarding the subject about Sun's Altitude vs Sun's Azimuth, some years ago I 
wrote two papers that could be of your interest. 
They can be downloaded from Academia in the following links.

Sun Compass. The Theory behind the Sun Compasses

Construction of the Roman Altitude Cylinder Sundials by the Analemma of 
Vitruvius Parts 1,2,3.

About this subject in the NASS "The Compendium" 29(4) December 2022, and 30(1) 
– March 2023,  Robert L. Kellogg and myself, we wrote ex aequo an article 

In the mentioned articles the subject 'Sun's Azimuth vs Altitude calculation" 
is treated extensively.
Maybe some of you could be interested in having a look to the articles.
Kind regards.
Alfonso Pastor-Moreno

> On 22 Jul 2024, at 21:37, guillemet.herve <> wrote:
> HI John,
> It seems that the instrument you are looking for is called a shepherd's dial. 
> It is mobile, you set the date, you hold it vertically and orientate the 
> horizontal equivalent gnomon towards the sun and it gives you the time. It is 
> calculated for a specific latitude. 
> Best regards Hervé Guillemet 
> Envoyé depuis mon appareil Galaxy
> -------- Message d'origine --------
> De : John Goodman via sundial <>
> Date : 22/07/2024 16:14 (GMT+01:00)
> À : Fred Sawyer <>
> Objet : Re: Azimuth Calculation
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