On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, SIMOND Gilles wrote:


I've also installed SRSS 4.2 on fedora 12, everything works, sound also
the only remainning problem (if you know how to solve it, you're welcome!) flash videos are displayed with the wrong colors in web browsers

I use SRSS on RHEL 5 and my experiences are:

Some versions of flash gives wrong colors in web browsers.

Sound in flash can be solved with the patches from:

For some reason Gnome with SRSS defaults to volume = 0 and turning up the volume gets sound.

The applications compete for the sound support, so if you run an audioapp you might need to close it and restart firefox for firefox to get the sound.

Everytime you update the kernel you need to recompile the utaudio, utadem, utdisk modules...

Not everything works. It often boils down to whether the app respect the AUDIODEV setting.

Also, SRSS sound emulates OSS not alsa. So set your app to OSS-sound or some kind of OSS-emulation.

I had to configure pulse audio to get it work with the utaudio device
so I add the small script listed below
the script is in /etc/opt/SUNWut/xinitrc.d/0101.SUNWutaudio with a symbolic link to it in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/

Gilles Simond


if [ ! "x${UTAUDIODEV}" == "x" ] ; then

if [ ! -d ${HOME}/.pulse ] ; then
 mkdir ${HOME}/.pulse

# create pulseaudio configuration for utaudio
sed "s|UTAUDIODEV|$UTAUDIODEV|g" /opt/SUNWut/lib/utpulse.pa > ${PULSECONF}

# create asoundrc for pulseaudio redirection
echo -n > ${ASOUNDRC}
echo "pcm.!default { " >> ${ASOUNDRC}
echo "  type pulse" >> ${ASOUNDRC}
echo "}" >> ${ASOUNDRC}
echo "ctl.!default { " >> ${ASOUNDRC}
echo "  type pulse" >> ${ASOUNDRC}
echo "}" >> ${ASOUNDRC}


On 08/03/2010 12:16, Hana Skoumalova wrote:

I managed to install and configure SRSS 4.2 on Fedora 12, but I have
problems with sound.

On the system console, the sound works (so the problem is not in

The env variables AUDIODEV and UTAUDIODEV are set to
/tmp/SUNWut/dev/utaudio/utdsp-0, the devices in /tmp/SUNWut/dev/utaudio
are created:

total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2010-03-08 11:53 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 4096 2010-03-08 11:07 ../
crw------- 1 skoumal staff 14, 3 2010-03-08 11:53 utdsp-0
prw------- 1 skoumal staff 0 2010-03-08 11:53 utdsp-0stat|
crw------- 1 skoumal staff 14, 0 2010-03-08 11:53 utmix-0

When I try to play something, the system pretends to play, but no sound
can be heard.

I even tried to replace the DTU, but the new one behaves exactly the
same way.

Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

Best regards,

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 -- Alexander

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