El 29/03/2011 11:15, Juan Manuel Sende Sanchez escribió:

It doesn't fix the problem. For the record the installation we are using is

Solaris 10/9
SunRay Server 5 (4.2) + patches
Windows Redirector 2.2
View Connector 1.1

Windows Error:

Origen: utUsbRedirector
Error: ServerChannel:flush (WriteFile failed - error:1

Thanks for any idea
> El 29/03/2011 11:00, bilel kammoun escribió:
> Hello
>     It seems to be a problem with Flash not Windows Media Player, but we
> are going to try it right now and reproduce the crash test
> Thanks for the info, I will keep yours informed
>> You need to migrate to SRS 5 &and :
>> 1.   Install the SunMMR package from the srwc_2.1 
>> 2.   Install the Matroska splitter
>> 3.   Install ffdshow
>> Regards
>> BK 
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : sunray-users-boun...@filibeto.org 
>> [mailto:sunray-users-boun...@filibeto.org] De la part de Juan Manuel Sende 
>> Sanchez
>> Envoyé : mardi 29 mars 2011 08:20
>> À : SunRay-Users@filibeto.org
>> Objet : [SunRay-Users] Sunray and View Crashing
>> Hello
>> We have a deployment in one of our costumers with Sunray Server 4.2 on 
>> Solaris 10 and VMWare VDI 4.5 to provide virtual machines (Windows XP SP2). 
>> The question is when the users browse a web page with flash content the 
>> Windows Connector crash and also crash the session.
>> The trouble it's repeteable and disabling Windows Connector it's not a 
>> option due to Media Optimization. I will provide the logs from the Sunray 
>> Server, but in the Windows XP event log we see some errors with usb service 
>> of Windows Connector.
>> Any advice will be appreciated
>> Regards

Juan Manuel Sende Sanchez       Plexus, S.L.
Departamento de Sistemas        Rúa Oliveira Nave 102 – A
Email: jmse...@plexus.es        Parque Empresarial Novo Milladoiro 
► Telefono: 981 941 631         CP: 15895 Milladoiro – Ames – A Coruña 
► Fax: 981 941 631              ► Web: www.plexus.es 
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