On 27 September 2012 11:30, Craig Bender <craig.ben...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Try adding
> set hires_tick = 1
> to /etc/system and reboot
Hi Craig, you seem to be referring to lore written up in section
of http://docs.oracle.com/html/E22661_15/Troubleshooting-Performance.htmlwhere
it mentions "The X server is allowed to send at a certain specific
rate granted by the Sun Ray Client".

So, does setting the hires_tick on the server ultimately cause the Sun Ray
Client to 'grant' a higher rate?  Or does it affect only the server so that
it delivers data in a smoother (less bursty) fashion ("fill, drain, fill,
drain" instead of "fill,fill,drain,drain" where the switch can only take so
many un-drained fills before dropping a packet)?

Assuming the latter, is it more preferable to have a switch which can
handle the buffering, or to set the hires timer?


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