And a few questions for Niki on this same subject.

Are you running the SRSS on the same server(s) that run Cadence Virtuoso/icfb ??

Or do you have a machine in the middle that runs the SRSS,  then you ssh to the 
server that runs Cadence ??
This is what we are doing.  It appears that this extra hop may be the cause of 
the slow panning and redraw,
when doing Cadence layout.

And another question,  we are trying to view full die layout on 45nm/65nm 
processes, with 10 layers of
metal routing. So the all the metal layers and diffusion layers add up to a lot 
of data to push around.

Are you viewing Cadence layout of small blocks or large full-die layout ??    
like 5mm x 5mm

For small layout blocks, the Sunray3s are OK.
But for full-die layout with bond-pads, ESD structures and all layers turned 
on, a Sunray3 takes 5-10x
longer to pan across the die, compared to my Macbook ssh --> Linux server 
running Cadence.

Can the SRSS server in the middle cause this much slow down ??


> Hi Steve,


> we are running cadence, synopsys, mentor, ... tools (graphical and command 
> line based) over sunray2fs

> and sunray3+ Clients very successfully locally and cross continent.


> Sunray Servers are on sparc (m5000) and /etc/system sets the clock to 1000hz.


> As Compute Servers we mainly use the sunray Login Servers (sparc m5000), as 
> well as some Linux boxes running centos.


> Niki

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