Mark Hansen wrote:
On 01/20/09 12:26, HeavyDuty wrote:
Seamonkey 1.1.14
WinXP Pro SP3
hooked up to a comcast cable bb pipe.

While I have posted a similar question before, there is new information from tech support at my e-mail host mcleod relating to turning off authentication.

I am still struggling with using seamonkey e-mail client on Comcast when sending from my accounts. I am not a Comcast subscriber but am hooked up while visiting a friend.

No matter how I send McLeod smtp e-mail out of seamonkey it fails. There is the 10060 error, an error that says smtp server mcleodusa is not accepting e-mail, "the greeting failed," or an endless repetitive loop of asking for my password until I give up.

McLeod tech says that McLeod does not require authentication. Apparently comcast does. Does this make sense?

Here's an explanation and fix for the 10060 I found.

Socket Error # 10060
Message from:<> to:<> Connect error in directly sending! 
Info : Socket Error # 10060

Analyse: You are on a an ISP (such as Earthlink or Mindspring) that blocks 
their users using any SMTP server other than their own.

Solutions: To set up Earthlink, Mindspring, or your ISP's SMTP servers for your 
outgoing email you must click on your account settings in the email client you 
are using (Outlook Express, Eudora, Netscape etc.)

In the SMTP (outgoing mail server) field you will enter (or 
whatever your dial up or direct access ISP's SMTP server is) as your SMTP 
server. You must then enter your Earthlink (or your ISP's) username and 
password for that mail server.

In Outlook Express it is at the bottom of that same tab. You must uncheck 'My 
server requires authentication' and click on 'settings' to enter your Earthlink 
(or your ISP's) username and password.
I do use the comcast server setting
I use the required port 587.
I insert my for my smtp e-mail sender

Thanks for the detailed and thoughtful response.

I think you misunderstood here. When connecting to comcast's SMTP server, you'll
never provide your Mcleod user name and/or password.

If that is the case, how is that I can send earthlink e-mail accounts using the server address while using the Comcast cable?

In order to use Mcleod SMTP server (and therefor your Mcleod user name
and password) you will have to set SeaMonkey's SMTP server to Mcleod's
SMTP server IP address, port, etc.

Yes. And I have so done (many time with many variations. None of which work (yet). That's the problem.

Now, what the above explanation is telling you (I think) is that comcast
may not allow you to talk to Mcleod's SMTP server while connected to the
Internet via comcast's network. I don't know if comcast has such a restriction,
so you may want to verify that before going too much further.

"Chatting" with Comcast tech support on line is an act of frustration. It, of course, as Peter Potomus has repeatedly noted, the techs only script is related to Outlook Express and IE. The techs have NO IDEA about settings for any other e-mail provider besides Comcast. Bottom line is that I cannot get a straight story out of them regarding McLeod (or any other e-mail provider)..

If Mcleod wants you to talk to their SMTP server using port 25, and
comcast blocks outgoing port 25, I don't know what you can do about
it. Talk to Mcleod and let them know that port 25 is blocked by your
(temporary) ISP, and is there any other way you can connect to their
SMTP server. They may be able to give you alternate connection

I will check with McLeod about another port and other settings.
Based on previous contacts with McLeod, the Comcast support web page and the article I quote above, I need to turn off authentication, but still send my user name. The above article describes how this is done in Outlook Express. How is this done in Seamonkey? I fully understand that this might not change my circumstance because of Comcast policies, still I need to try it to eliminate it as a stumbling block. See below my attempts/experiences with this disabling.

What is the Seamonkey equivalent (to outlook express) of unchecking "requires authentication" and still be able to enter my McLeod user account name?

In Seamonkey in the outgoing smtp setup, if User and Authentication is checked, I can enter the username (and I assume that means authentication is on). When it is unchecked, no user name can be entered, and the existing one disappears.

POP email retrieval works fine.

When I send out of my earthlink accounts using the comcast cable, I can use the earthlink server with "user and Authentication" checked and my user name in the window.

Thanks for any insights.

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