Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:
Geoff Welsh wrote:

..... I /was/ however able to create a test profile by first clicking the mail icon. The mail window is not broken (like the web window) and has a functional menu bar, so the TOOLS option was there. After creating the new profile, the web window was no longer broken (i.e. menu bar is now there).

I then quit SM, and relaunched it. Now it won't even open any real windows! Just a non defined window that says:

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: chrome://communicator/content/profile/profileSelection.xul
Line Number 53, Column 1:<dialog

from the email program, click on Edit, Preferences, Appearance, Theme, and select either the Classic or Modern. Restart SM. Did that work?

before I could do that (because I now had NO windows at all), I had to trash Application Registry, which got me back to my orig. state of problem. I then did what you said, and got the same "XML parsing...." as before with no other windows available.

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