Geoff Welsh wrote:
Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:
Geoff Welsh wrote:

..... I /was/ however able to create a test profile by first clicking the mail icon. The mail window is not broken (like the web window) and has a functional menu bar, so the TOOLS option was there. After creating the new profile, the web window was no longer broken (i.e. menu bar is now there).

I then quit SM, and relaunched it. Now it won't even open any real windows! Just a non defined window that says:

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Location: chrome://communicator/content/profile/profileSelection.xul
Line Number 53, Column 1:<dialog

from the email program, click on Edit, Preferences, Appearance, Theme, and select either the Classic or Modern. Restart SM. Did that work?

before I could do that (because I now had NO windows at all), I had to trash Application Registry, which got me back to my orig. state of problem. I then did what you said, and got the same "XML parsing...." as before with no other windows available.


a couple of last suggestions:

first, then close SM, and remove the file localstore.rdf from your profile. Restart SM. Did that work?

If not, then close SM, then delete the Chrome directory from the SM profile. Restart SM. Did this work? WARNING: If you do this, then it will also remove all your extensions and themes. You will have to reinstall them one at a time and find out which one is causing the problem.

If that didn't work, then transfer your mail, bookmarks, password files, and use the other profile.

*IMPORTANT*: Sorry folks, but I cannot provide email help!!!! Emails to me may become public

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