On 4/10/2009 8:15 PM, Michael Gordon wrote:
> Mark Hansen replied On 4/10/2009 7:37 PM
>> On 04/10/09 16:23, Michael Gordon wrote:
>>> Mark Hansen replied On 4/10/2009 11:16 AM
>>>> On 04/10/09 09:07, Michael Gordon wrote:
>>>>> Raylee Cooper replied On 4/10/2009 10:17 AM
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have just upgraded to Seamonkey.  I have enabled javascript, ticked 
>>>>>> every box in the edit section of the browser window.  But I'm still 
>>>>>> unable to view most pages, and more often than not, get a message on the 
>>>>>> pages I open saying I need to enable javascript.  So, I go back up to 
>>>>>> edit, preferences, then advanced to check the settings, it's still 
>>>>>> enabled and I still can't view the page. Do you know why this is 
>>>>>> happening?  I really like Seamonkey and I'd hate to have to revert back 
>>>>>> to my old browser because this one doesn't work properly.
>>>>>> Thanks, Raye
>>>>> Raye,
>>>>> When you installed SeaMonkey did you enable "Quick Launch", it places an 
>>>>> icon in your System Taskbar nest to the clock.
>>>>> If Quick Launch is enabled then you have to close SeaMonkey down 
>>>>> completely, including Quick Launch,  QL keeps some parts of SM in memory 
>>>>> to quickly launch the SM application, and this may be preventing you 
>>>>> form seeing your web pages with JavaScript.
>>>>> Michael
>>>> Are you sure you have to restart SeaMonkey in order for the Enable 
>>>> JavaScript
>>>> option to be recognized? I've never had to do that.
>>> Only if he had Quick Launch enabled and turned it off.
>>> Michael
>> The OP was talking about enabling Java Script. I've been able to enable
>> and disable Java Script and have it affect the web page (after re-loading
>> the page) without stopping/restarting SeaMonkey.
> Mark,
> My point is that if the OP had Quick Launch enabled when the JavaScript 
> would not work on the web page, and he enabled JavaScript the Quick 
> Launch may have kept the original setting in memory and executed the 
> page with JavaScript from memory.
> Disabling Quick Launch and closing SM then opening SM starts a fresh 
> instance of SM with no instructions kept in the Quick Launch memory.
> Michael

However, I am consistently able to enable and disable JavaScript while a
Web page is currently being displayed.  If that page has scripts, they
work or don't work according to whether JavaScript is enabled or
disabled.  The change of status for JavaScript is indeed effective when
I make that change.  There is no "remembering" of a prior status.

Occasionally (e.g., with Web pages for the Vanguard Group at
<https://personal.vanguard.com/VGApp/hnw/home>), I find scripts within a
page that load external scripts.  If JavaScript is disabled while
loading such a page, I must reload the page after enabling JavaScript in
order to get the full functionality of the page, part of which is
supplied by the external script.  (I find this really annoying because
SeaMonkey temporarily freezes while the external script is requested and

I disable and enable JavaScript so often that I have a PrefBar checkbox
to do it.  I never have to terminate and relaunch SeaMonkey when
changing the JavaScript status.

David E. Ross

Go to Mozdev at <http://www.mozdev.org/> for quick access to
extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications.  You can access Mozdev much
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