The way forms works now is you type something in say first Name That item is then saved to the internal forms Manager to be reused. and next time you need to fill in first name you type first letter and a list of choices show up. you choose what you need. Only thing is if you type a Mistake you can't despite people saying click and then scroll to bad item and hit delete. Well it doesn't work. with the Forms Manager History extension a window come up with a data base of all the pages you have added items. go to that choose the bad item highlight double click and a window pops up which you can then use to edit your entry. No it doesn't auto fill in as it use to in 1.1.8. . It works, but takes more time, less efficient. I suspect a lot of stuff was left out because the developers ran out of time to put out the door. So now we are suffering for the hurried-ness.

me2 wrote:
I see that but I'm NOT seeing any form filling, i.e., no offers to
fill any forms so far - is this function "on" automatically or do I
need to do something to invoke it?

BTW, who decided the old form manger wasn't needed/used/wanted?


On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 16:40:51 -0500, Phillip Jones
<>  wrote:

me2 wrote:
On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 14:49:14 -0500, Phillip Jones
<>   wrote:

Download and install the Forms History Manager extension

I did - when a form is in my browser nothing happens- enable form and
search history is selected in history, a right click reveals form
history and there are items listed BUT so far when I'm presented a
form and/or start typing in a form, nothing happens.
Am I doing it wrong?

me2 wrote:
So for the new form "whateverthehellitiscalled" hasn't reacted/show
up when presented with a "form" in the browser- is there a spell to

I've never tried to go backwards after a SM update- is there going to
be a problem with going back to 1.1.8 from 2.0?

Is there a version of mozilla that retains the form manger?

This is really a disappointment, I've used Netscape/seamonkey forever
but form manger is a required application here.
when you open forms history Manager highlight the row in which the item
you want to change then double click a window pops up with the info. you
can edit from there.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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