Leonidas Jones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Benoit Renard wrote:
Rufus wrote:
SM 2.0 allows multiple profiles - they've just hidden the Profile
Manager without telling anyone...like with a few other features.

What makes you say that? As another reply to your post says, it still
pops up when you have more than one profile. It has never popped up by
default when you only have one.

Initially I only had one Profile...and using the usual method of holding
down the option key at startup no longer brings up the Profile
Manager...it activates some sort of "safe mode". Nice feature, no

Like the other poster, I had to search to find a way to add a second
Profile - because not all of my 1.1.18 Profiles were transfered during
the upgrade...the way to do that wasn't obvious based on previous
behavior. Hidden, moved, revised...whatever.

I agree that some notice might have been nice, but it is actually an
improvement. If you have one profile, you can still invoke Profile
Manager via Tools>>Switch Profile, or using Terminal. That beats
Firefox, where Profile Manager can only be invoked via Terminal. And you
now have an easy way to invoke Safe Mode, which used to require Terminal.

...any "improvement" that a user can't find or use is...useless. Especially when it's a change to a previous and thus expected implementation. Nice "improvement", lousy implementation from a user perspective.

Yes the migration wizard is geared for the "average" user, who has only
one profile, and may not even know what a "profile" is.

The migration wizard should have been built to handle the worst case - the "average" user wold have been a subset of that.

For me it worked fine. The two other profiles I had were a test profile,
and my Netscape 7.2 profile, which still runs fine in that application.
That works well for me, since I now won't open NS or SM in the wrong

Given that my second profile was a very simple one, it worked out for me...eventually.

If you have multiple profiles, you can still set it to open Profile
Manager at startup.


It does now, now that I have more than one. But I can't find any option for doing that - SM 2.0 just does it since I now have more than one...if I can do it by changing about:config that a bit outside of being an "average" user, IMO.

     - Rufus
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