Bush wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Bush wrote:
Hartmut Figge wrote:

I do not want any tabs in seamonkey 2.0 . How do I get rid of the
I have unchecked every thing that pertains to Tans in Preferences .
Do I
have to Go back to ver 1.1.18 to Eliminate Tabs ?

I haven't tested much, but you could try these settings:
http://www.triffids.de/pub/screenshot/sm091115.png (16 KB)

Same settings I have Here . Just maybe it is a Windows 7 thing? I never
saw any Tabs since Netscape 1.1 until Mozilla 2.0. And Yes I still have
the 1.44 Floppy that contained 1.1 setup.

Netscape had tabbed browsing starting with 6.0, and continued to the end
with 9.

Mozilla Suite had tabbed browsing from the beginning. 1.0 had it, as dd
every other version released, There was never a Mozilla 2.0, so I am
not sure where you are coming from on that one.

If you are talking about Firefox 2.0. well Firefox has also had tabbed
browsing since its inception as Phoenix.

The simplest answer is just don't use them. Maybe you could post an
example of when a tab opens when you don't want it to, so we can advise
you as to how to avoid it.

Now that screen shots is abandoned where do I send screenshot. send me
your email address and I'll show where its not needed

Have you tried to get a Free  Photobucket Account?
   I started this post ( subject) And Have come to relize that a select
Few like TABS and will defend the fact That 2.0 WILL NOT let you disable
Tabs.. Prior to 2.0 Tabs could be Turned off.  The 2.0 Tab Turn off in
Preference Just Does Not Work, Is This A BUG to Report ? Is this A Bug
only with Windows 7 users ?

Must be a Windows Bug , Because clicking on hide tab bar if only one page open does hide the tab Bar. But then you have to also click Link open behavior in new window, and links for other applications in New windows. But even then on rare occasions even if you set to windows rather than tabs something will open in a Tab. when they do that I immediately quit that link. One place that this happens is when you install a new version of SM, FF it will always open the You have just load the latest version ... Page in a new tab. despite having set for use existing window.

Its as if they are trying to say ... look what tabs look like you bunch of dummies that use windows. Its always been this way since the first mozilla program started with tabs.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
http://www.phillipmjones.net           http://www.vpea.org
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