S. Beaulieu wrote:
Claude Duvergier wrote:
I think he wants the opposite : "SeaMonkey Default Theme"

SeaMonkey 2.0 is now natively using "SeaMonkey Modern"

Not on my system. It automatically picked the default theme (which would
be expected) and I had to revert to Modern to get it back...

Maybe this behaviour changes according to what OS one is using?


Yes it does, it is the Default after all. ;) It seems to be the default on Windows and Linux, as well as OS X. The default theme is geared to the OS, and looks rather different depending on the OS, but it is the default.

Modern Theme is available. You might check Saifish's site for some others:


From communicating with Pat, Simple Green and Cold Fusion are not going to be ported to SeaMonkey. They are based on browser only versions of Netscape, and cannot be ported easily to the suite. However, there are several other options, Sky Pilot, and Modern Mozillium as a couple of examples.

I have become very fond of the Venerable Modern theme. I also hove a fondness for KaiRo's Star Trek theme, though I admit it is a bit of an acquired taste.


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