On 11/19/2009 5:21 PM, OldCroc wrote:
> The Subject line says it all, except I would like to add that this is
> important to me, as I do not want what is on my Version either
> Destroyed or imported into Version 2.0, except by manually being done
> by me. There are some errors in formatting in certain folders that I
> do not want carried over, plus I have too many things I just don't
> want to lose!

Others have answered in this thread.

One warning:  You cannot have both SM 1.1.18 and SM 2.0 running at the
same time.  Once one of them is running, attempting to launch the other
will merely launch a new window of the one that is already running.

David E. Ross

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extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications.  You can access Mozdev much
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